Urgent From PETA: Tornado Survival Tips for Animals

For Immediate Release:
April 23, 2020

Brooke Rossi 202-483-7382

Pensacola, Fla.

As a tornado watch is affecting the Pensacola area today, animals—who can be injured or killed, too—are at risk.

Animals should never be left chained or penned up outside, which leaves them unable to escape from strong winds, flying debris, and collapsing structures. Dogs have been sucked into the air—doghouse and all—during tornadoes, so please take animals indoors to safety. Anyone who sees animals in distress and is unable to help should note their locations and alert authorities immediately.

PETA has released a disaster-preparedness public service announcement featuring Dean Winters.

Inspired by his role as “Mayhem” in Allstate Insurance commercials, PETA’s video spot featuring Winters shows the 30 Rock and Sex and the City actor being blasted with wind, pelted with snow, and doused with water as he urges viewers to protect all their family members the next time a natural disaster strikes. “[N]ever, ever, ever leave your animals behind,” he says. “Don’t let ’em down.” For more information, visit PETA.org.

Everyone must take animals with them if it becomes necessary to move to a stronger structure or take shelter underground.

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