PETA’s Bikini-Clad Beauties to Give Football Fans a Taste of Vegan Fare

Knockouts Will Help Grey Cup Viewers Kick Cruelty to Chickens Out of the Big Game

For Immediate Release:
November 20, 2013

Sophia Charchuk 202-483-7382

Regina, SK

Wearing football-themed bikinis and holding signs that read, “Bench Cruelty: Go Vegan!” two PETA beauties will hand out delicious meat-free “wings” in downtown Regina on Thursday. Their goal? To persuade Grey Cup viewers to give healthy and delicious vegan food a try during the big game this year—it might just help them to be around for many more Grey Cup matches to come.

When:           Thursday, November 21, 12 noon

Where:          Intersection of Scarth Street and 11th Avenue, Regina

“With all the delicious vegan options available, everyone should throw a flag on meat—and that includes football fans,” says PETA beauty Emily Lavender. “No matter which team you place your money on to win the Grey Cup, going vegan is always a safe bet.”

In addition to avoiding animal suffering, vegans are less prone to heart disease, strokes, and cancer than meat-eaters are, according to the Dietitians of Canada. And a recent United Nations report concluded that a global shift toward a vegan diet is vital if we are to combat the worst effects of climate change.

PETA is no stranger to the football world: The group has collaborated with the Lingerie Football League, organized a star-studded vegan wing taste test, and recruited numerous players to star in ad campaigns promoting kindness to animals.

For more information, please visit

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