Event Item: Youth Animal Rights Conference, Vegan Zombie to Hit Toronto

For Immediate Release:
March 26, 2014

Sophia Charchuk 202-483-7382


The peta2 Experience—or p2x, an animal rights conference for young people presented by PETA’s youth division—is coming to Toronto to give high school and college students a chance to connect with other young animal rights advocates and enjoy delicious, free vegan burritos, courtesy of Chipotle. But that’s not all. Attendees will also be inspired by John Tedd, the creator of “Cooking With the Vegan Zombie, a popular YouTube cooking show. In addition, Toronto resident and guest speaker Steve Jenkins will discuss the positive changes in his life—including going vegan—since adopting Internet sensation Esther the Wonder Pig. The event will conclude with a spirited protest at a nearby McDonald’s.

When:   Saturday, April 19, 11 a.m.–4 p.m.

Where:  Toronto Public Library, Northern District, Rm. 200, 40 Orchard View Blvd., Toronto

The Vegan Zombie will give tips on vegan cooking, while Jenkins will talk about how Esther was a 5-pound “miniature” pig destined for the slaughterhouse when he adopted her but has since grown into a nearly 400-pound mega-pig, who gets along famously with Jenkins’ dogs—and Jenkins couldn’t love her more.

“Whether you’re new to animal rights or a protesting pro, The peta2 Experience will provide the tools needed to be an effective advocate for animals,” says peta2 Director Marta Holmberg. “Participants will make new friends, learn about rescuing animals and leading demonstrations, and get hands-on experience protesting against animal-abusing corporation McDonald’s for raking in cash hand over fist as an outlet for the cruel meat industry.”

In the slaughterhouses of McDonald’s U.S. and Canadian chicken suppliers, birds are dumped out of their transport crates and hung upside down in metal shackles, which often results in broken bones, extreme bruising, and haemorrhaging. The chickens have their throats cut while they’re still conscious, and many are immersed in tanks of scalding-hot water while they’re still alive and able to feel pain.

Tickets to The peta2 Experience are $5 and are available at peta2.com/p2x

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