Delivery Driver Nabs PETA Award for Saving Dog From Drowning

John Cassabria Stopped His Route to Jump Into a Backyard Pool—’Clothes, Phone, Shoes, Wallet, and All’—to Rescue a Senior Dog

For Immediate Release:
September 1, 2020

Megan Wiltsie 202-483-7382

Woburn, Mass.

A Compassionate Action Award is on its way from PETA to John Cassabria, who was delivering packages for Amazon in August when he heard a strange sound, stopped his truck, and realized that cries were coming from a nearby backyard. Without hesitation, he jumped over the fence and spotted a senior dog named Luka in a pool, struggling to stay afloat.

“My heart sank when I realized the sound was coming from a dog,” Cassabria tells PETA. “I jumped in, clothes, phone, shoes, wallet, and all. I didn’t even think twice. … I’m so happy I was there to help him, and I would do it all over again.” He stayed with Luka until animal control arrived on the scene 90 minutes later, and the dog’s guardians—who weren’t home at the time of the rescue—were immensely grateful.

“When John Cassabria heard a dog crying for help, he didn’t hesitate before jumping into action to save a life,” says PETA Vice President Colleen O’Brien. “PETA hopes his kindness will inspire people everywhere to keep an eye—or an ear—out for animals in dangerous situations and do whatever it takes to get them to safety.”

PETA reminds all dog guardians to keep their animal companions near them on walks using a leash and a comfortable, secure harness and never to leave them outdoors unattended.

Cassabria will receive a framed certificate and a box of delicious vegan cookies.

PETA—whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to abuse in any way”—opposes speciesism, a human-supremacist worldview. For more information, please visit

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