Cactus Cowboy Carter: PETA Boots Up Beyoncé With Vegan Leather Footwear
For Immediate Release:
April 23, 2024
Moira Colley 202-483-7382
With the smashing success of Cowboy Carter making Western wear the “it” look for 2024, PETA has sent Beyoncé a pair of white cowboy boots made from Desserto cactus leather along with a letter encouraging her to set an animal-friendly example by swapping her calfskin boots for luxurious vegan ones.

Credit: Immaculate Vegan
PETA notes that female cows are repeatedly impregnated and their terrified babies are torn away from them shortly after birth for calf leather. Cows killed for leather endure castration, tail-docking, and dehorning—all without painkillers—and may be skinned and dismembered while they’re still conscious.
“As a mother, you understand the fierce desire to protect your children—a primal instinct that is no different in cows when their calves are taken from them,” PETA writes in its letter to Queen Bey. “Let’s upgrade u to something that matches your radiance by switching to vegan leather. With your influence, you could lead this movement and show that being cozy in compassion is the ultimate trend.”
The leather industry also contributes to the climate catastrophe, land devastation, pollution, and water contamination. Sustainable vegan leather made from apples, cactus, cork, corn, grapes, mushrooms, paper, or pineapples mimics the properties of leather without the cruelty to animals or environmental devastation.
PETA—whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to wear”—points out that Every Animal Is Someone and offers free Empathy Kits for people who need a lesson in kindness. For more information, please visit or follow the group on X, Facebook, or Instagram.
PETA’s letter to Beyoncé follows.
Dear Ms. Knowles-Carter,
Greetings from PETA, and congratulations on Cowboy Carter! Your influence revived the Western trend, giving everyone déjà vu and making cowboy chic the season’s hottest look. But when we spotted those Givenchy calfskin boots, we thought, hold up—let’s boot up Beyoncé with something kinder.
We would love to send you a pair of Desserto cactus-leather boots. These are not only irreplaceable for fashionistas but also crucial to saving the lives of animals. Stepping out in luxury that’s both ethical and chic is your chance to ring the alarm on the leather industry. You’d look flawless taking one step to the right in these luxurious vegan boots!
As a mother, you have a fierce desire to protect your children—a primal instinct that’s no different in cows, whose calves are taken from them to be used for their skin. These animals experience a level of fear and pain that no being should endure. Like us, cows form deep emotional bonds—they pal around, hold grudges, and even grieve deeply for lost friends.
Let’s upgrade u to something that matches your radiance. With your influence, you could lead the switch to vegan leather and show that being cozy in compassion is the ultimate trend. Thanks for considering a move that could run the world of fashion forward.
Warm regards,
Nicole Cummins