White mouse on purple flower sniffs strawberry
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PETA vs. Goliath

Issue 3|Summer 2023

Closing In on the World’s Largest Funder of Animal Experiments

There’s a big bully tormenting tiny animals, and PETA is working to take it down. It funds animal experiments all over the world to the tune of about $20 billion per year. It’s the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), and among the thousands of experiments it bankrolls are ones in which mice are stitched together and injected with toxins or their intestines are punctured so that feces and bacteria leak into their stomachs, causing painful sepsis, an extreme response to infection.

Sue the Bastards!

Sepsis experiments are exceedingly cruel – and useless: NIH itself acknowledges that mice and humans don’t experience the same condition. PETA has launched a landmark lawsuit to show that bankrolling these experiments violates NIH’s obligation to fund research for the improvement of human health and minimize the use of animals. NIH tried to get our suit thrown out, but a federal judge refused. We – and mice – will get our day in court!

NIH mouse protester

No Oversight Overseas

NIH funds stroke-inducing experiments on monkeys in the UK, hepatitis E virus experiments on bats in Australia, gruesome wound studies on rabbits in Canada, and innumerable other horrors around the world.

Bit by bit, PETA is exposing the abuse that NIH tries to normalize by labeling it “science.” PETA helped shut down the laboratory of notorious baby monkey abuser Stephen Suomi. Next up is Margaret Livingstone, who tears newborn monkeys away from their mothers and puts vision-distorting goggles on them or refuses to let them see a face just to find out how badly it damages their brain and visual development. She has even sewn their eyelids shut.

More than 380 scientists, doctors, and academics – including renowned primatologist Dr. Jane Goodall – have joined PETA in demanding an end to Livingstone’s NIH-backed atrocities.

Speciesism keeps animals in cages and “science” in the dark ages – from experimenter Elisabeth Murray‘s terrorization of brain-damaged monkeys with rubber snakes to alcohol addiction experiments on mice, to inflicting misery on thinking, feeling beings held captive in the US’ seven national primate research centers and in other countries.

Keep reading to learn how PETA liberated more than 280 animals from disgusting labs in Colombia. PETA’s Research Modernization Deal will save even more animals and humans – and you can be a catalyst for this vital change.

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