Ask Your Family for a Vegan Christmas

Published by PETA Staff.

A delicious vegan feast!

A few years ago, my mom came to visit me, and while hanging out one night, she asked me what I wanted for Christmas. I didn’t really want anything, but I did want my mom—who was suffering from acid reflux problems and high cholesterol—to be healthier. I told her that for my Christmas present, all I wanted was for her to watch two PETA videos, “Meet Your Meat” and “Chew on This”, and to try out a vegan diet for the week that she was spending with me. She reluctantly agreed and watched both videos. To my surprise, she went vegan on the spot! Flash forward four years, and she is still going strong. She is 15 pounds lighter and no longer suffers from acid reflux or high cholesterol.

For my mom, she just needed a little incentive to try out a vegan diet. If you’re hoping your family will try vegetarian food, the holidays might just be the perfect time to bring it up. When your family asks you what you want this year, why not ask them for a vegan holiday meal? If you’re feeling ambitious, you may even want to offer to cook the holiday meal as your gift to them if they purchase the ingredients—the ultimate gift exchange!

Celebrations without suffering make family gatherings all the more meaningful—and can save both animal and human lives. You may be surprised at how things turn out!

For inspiration, check out our vegan holiday recipes and tips for talking to friends and family about being vegan.

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