
Alexandria, Virginia

Sec. 5-7-36.1 – Provision of adequate shelter and space, tethering of dogs.

(a) It shall be unlawful for my person to fail to provide any dog with adequate space or adequate shelter. As used in this section, the terms “adequate space” and “adequate shelter” have the meanings ascribed to them by City Code Section 5-7-3 1 (DEFINITIONS), subsections n and o, respectively.

(b) Except when a dog’s owner, guardian or custodian is physically within reach of the dog, it shall be unlawful for any person to tether a dog to a chain, rope or line of any kind -that is too short to enable the dog easily to stand, sit, lie, turn about, and make all other normal body movements in a comfortable, normal position for the animal and reach shade as necessary, for more than three hours cumulatively within any twenty-four hour period, whether or not the tethered dog has been provided adequate space.

(c) Notwithstanding any other part of this Section, a dog may be attached to a running cable line or trolley system that allows it to reach shelter and water as necessary, except that no dog may be confined to such a running cable line or trolley system for more than twelve (12) hours cumulatively, within any twenty-four (24) hour period. A running cable line or trolley system is defined as one that is at least twenty (20) feet in length and is mounted at least four (4) feet, but no more than seven (7) feet, above the ground. Under no circumstances shall a dog be attached to a running cable line or trolley system unless the tether attaching it to the running cable line or trolley system is at least ten (1 0) feet in length or three times the length of the animal, as measured from the tip of its nose to the base of its tail, whichever is longer.

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