
Ulster County, New York

§ 152-3 Tethering regulations.

A. The tether must be attached to the dog with a properly fitted buckle-type collar or a body harness made of material not normally susceptible to being severed by the dog through chewing or otherwise and that will not cause trauma or injury to the dog. Choke- or pinch-type collars, attached weights and chains over 1/4 inch thick cannot be utilized for tethering.

B. The length of a stationary tether shall not be less than 10 feet or five times the length of the dog’s body as measured from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail, whichever length is greater; shall connect at both ends with a swivel and be affixed in such a manner that it will prevent the dog from becoming entangled or injured; shall weigh less than 1/10 of the dog’s weight; and shall restrain the dog to the owner’s property while also preventing the dog from reaching hazards, including but not limited to a pool, fence, porch or railing that poses a strangulation risk, and/or other animals.

C. A dog, whether tethered or confined in a yard, outdoor kennel, or a wireless dog fence, must have unencumbered access to shade, food, water, shelter and dry ground without becoming entangled.

D. A dog shall not be tethered outdoors during a weather alert or when outside weather conditions, including but not limited to extreme heat, cold, wind, rain, snow or hail, pose an adverse risk to the health or safety of a dog based on breed, age or physical condition, in accordance with the industry standard set forth in the Tufts Animal Care and Condition Weather Safety Scale. Extreme heat and cold limitations are set as an ambient temperature of 80° F. and 35° F., respectively.

E. A dog shall not be tethered in any of the following circumstances: under six months of age; a nursing female; when suffering illness, debilitating disease, injury, in distress, or in the advanced stages of pregnancy.

F. A tethered dog must be apparently free of any health condition that would be exacerbated by tethering.

G. If there are multiple dogs, each must be tethered separately.

H. A tethered dog shall have access to appropriate shelter that will allow the dog to remain dry and to be protected from the elements. In addition to complying with the requirements of § 353-b of New York State Agriculture and Markets Law, the shelter shall be fully enclosed on all sides except one, which side shall have an opening that will allow the dog easy entry to and exit from the shelter; have a slanted, waterproof roof; and have a solid floor. The shelter shall contain clean bedding or straw/shavings. If straw/shavings is used, it must be replaced at least once a month so that the dog can burrow into it for warmth. The shelter shall be small enough to retain the dog’s body heat and large enough to allow the dog to stand, lie down with limbs outstretched, and turn around comfortably. The area around the shelter shall be kept free of standing water, ice and waste.

I. A dog shall not be tethered outside for longer than five consecutive hours in a twenty-four-hour period or a total time outside in excess of 10 hours and outside from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.

J. In addition to the above requirements, tethered dogs must be free of cruel conditions or inhumane tethering at any time. For purposes of this section, “cruel conditions or inhumane tethering” shall include the following:

(1) Exposure to animal waste, garbage, noxious odors or objects that could injure or kill a dog.

(2) Exposure to taunting, prodding, provoking, hitting, harassing, threatening or otherwise harming a tethered dog.

(3) Exposing a dog to dangerous conditions, including potential attacks by other animals.

(4) Tethered on vacant property.

(5) Any tethering that causes injury or death.

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