
Aurora, Colorado

  • Differential licensing allows for a reduced cost for spayed/neutered animals.
  • Permits for unaltered animals may be purchased for $25 (in addition to the annual $7 license fee), and the animals are not allowed to breed.
  • All litters born are is required to have a litter permit and registration number.
  • A breeder’s permit required for professional breeders ($85/year) for anyone selling for giving away animals and is required to be displayed for any animal for sale. The permit must be purchased before producing a litter of puppies or kittens.
  • Cats are prohibited from running at large.

Sec. 14-42 (a) Spay or Neuter Required It shall be unlawful to own, possess or keep in the city any dog or cat over the age of six months that has not been spayed or neutered, except as provided in subsection (b) of this section.

Sec. 14-42 (b) Exceptions. The following are exceptions to the spay or neuter requirements in subsection (a) of this section:

(1) Medical. A licensed veterinarian has determined that an animal is medically unsuited to undergo the surgical procedure. A signed statement from a licensed veterinarian is required and shall state specifically the medical grounds for the exemption.

(2) Temporary medical. When the animal’s medical condition is temporary in nature, the licensed veterinarian shall sign a written statement as to the prognosis of when the surgery may be performed. The date given on that prognosis shall become the expiration date of the temporary medical exemption. After the period of the temporary medical exemption, spay or neuter shall be required unless a licensed veterinarian provides another temporary medical exemption and prognosis of when the surgery may be performed.

(3) Transitory status. An animal which is temporarily in the city. When an animal is temporarily in the city for breeding purposes, the owner of such animal is required to have and present, when requested, a certificate of health signed by a licensed veterinarian.

(4) Intact permit. An owner obtains an annual intact animal permit and is in compliance with the city annual licensing requirements contained in this chapter.

Sec. 14-42 (c) Litter Permit and Registration Number. All litters, or a portion thereof, of puppies or kittens that are to be whelped, queened, sold, traded, bartered, given away, or otherwise transferred within the City of Aurora shall have a litter permit and registration number. (1) The owner or possessor shall obtain a litter permit and registration number within one week of obtaining possession of any litter, or portion thereof, of puppies orkittens. (2) Owners or possessors shall abide by all the litter permit and registration administrative requirements. (3)The litter permit and registration number requirements, of this subsection shall not apply to pet shops.

Sec. 14-42 (d) Penalty. Any owner found guilty of violating this section and not classified within the exceptions shall be subject to both fine and imprisonment as provided by section 1-13 if this Code. Upon the first conviction, the court shall impose a fine of not less that $100.00. A portion of the minimum monetary fines and imprisonment may be suspended by the municipal court only if the owner of any animal in violation presents to the court proof of the spay or neuter of the animal. Upon a second conviction, in addition to any penalty provided by section 113, the owner shall be required to spay or neuter the animal (unless the owner provides a written statement from a licensed veterinarian that the spay or neuter procedure would be harmful or dangerous to the health of the animal). Nothing in this subsection shall be construed as preventing the animal care officer from instituting a proceeding in the municipal court for violation of this section where there has been no impoundment.

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