
Columbia, Missouri

  • All dogs and cats must be licensed, and the licensing fees for unaltered animals are three times as much as for altered animals.

Section 5-63 Licensing of domestic dogs and cats–Required.
No person shall own, keep, harbor or permit to be or remain on or about his premises any dog or cat over three (3) months of age which has not been licensed.

Section 5-65 Same–License fee levied.
(a) There is hereby levied for each domestic cat or dog between the ages of three (3) months and twelve (12) months, and for each neutered domestic cat or dog of any age kept, harbored or owned within the city a license fee of five dollars ($ 5.00 ) for any period of time not to exceed one year; and ten dollars ($ 10.00 ) for any period greater than one year, but not exceeding two (2) years; and fifteen dollars ($ 15.00 ) for any period greater than two (2) years but not exceeding three (3) years. “Neutered” shall include both male and female animals irreversibly rendered incapable of reproduction by surgical or chemical procedure when such is verified in writing by the animal owner.

(b) There is hereby levied for each intact domestic cat or dog over the age of twelve (12) months kept, harbored or owned within the city a license fee of fifteen dollars ($ 15.00 ) for any period of time not to exceed one year; and thirty dollars ($ 30.00 ) for any period greater than one year, but not exceeding two (2) years; and forty-five dollars ($ 45.00 ) for any period greater than two (2) years but not exceeding three (3) years. “Intact” shall include all dogs or cats not certified in writing by the owner to have been irreversibly chemically or surgically rendered incapable of reproduction.

(c) The licensing fees of this section shall not apply to any certified working dog trained to assist handicapped individuals.

(d) The licensing fees of this section shall not apply to any trained dog maintained and utilized by the Columbia Police Department so long as it is maintained and utilized as a police dog.

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