South Bend, Indiana
May 28, 2014
This ordinance provides specific restrictions on how an animal may be legally tethered. Dogs may not be tethered between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m., and no unsterilized animals may be tethered.
Section 5-22. Fastening Animals with Rope or Chain; Choker Collar.
(a) No animal shall be hitched, tied or fastened by any rope, chain, or cord that is directly attached to the animal’s neck. If animals must be tied, hitched or fastened:
(1) The length of the rope, chain, or cord must be no less than three (3) times the length of the animal and of an appropriate length for the animal to move freely without risk of injury; and
(2) The weight of the rope, chain or cord is light enough to permit the animal to move freely without risk of injury; and
(3) The collar and rope, chain, or cord cannot cause the animal to choke; and
(4) A properly fitted collar or harness made of leather or nylon, not of the choker type is worn by the animal. This is not to prohibit the proper use of choker collars in the training of animals, and
(5) The tying device shall be attached to the animal’s leather or nylon collar or harness and must have a swivel device on both the anchor and collar end to prevent tangling; and
(6) The location of the anchor and the length of the rope, chain, or cord cannot cause the animal to become tangled, choke, or become injured; and
(7) The animal must have access to water and shelter at all times.
(b) No person shall chain their dog using an agitation collar, a collar exceeding 1 ½ inches wide for any dog under 60 pounds. Dogs over sixty (60) pounds shall not be tethered using a collar exceeding 2 inches (2″) in width.
(c) A person shall not tether an animal in a manner that permits the animal to leave the person’s property.
(d) Tethering. It shall be unlawful:
(1) For any dog to be tethered between the hours of 11:00 pm and 6:00 am.
(2) To tether any unsterilized dog for any period of time.
(3) To tether or confine a dog at an unattended structure of premises for any purpose when it is not monitored by an owner or guardian who is present at the property for the duration of such tethering or confinement.
(4) To tether a dog under six (6) months of age.
(5) For more than three (3) dogs to be tethered simultaneously at the same residence.
(6) To have contact between tethered dogs.
(7) For tethered dogs to be within three feed (3′) of another person’s property, public thoroughfare, and/or right-of-way.
(8) To tether a dog without access to adequate shelter at all times.
(e) Multiple tangling during tethering. If one (1) or more dogs at a residence have required a response from the Division of Animal Care and Control to untangle tethers more than two (2) times in one year, it shall be a violation of this Section.