
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

§ 3-505.6 Tethering of dogs outdoors.
It shall be unlawful for any person to tether, fasten, chain, tie, restrain or cause an unattended dog to be fastened, chained, tied or restrained to houses, trees, fences, garages, stakes or other stationary or highly immobile objects by means of a rope, chain, strap or other physical restraint for the purpose of confinement, except in circumstances where all of the following requirements are satisfied:
A. The tethering is not for a longer period of time than reasonably necessary for the dog’s owner or custodian to complete a temporary task that requires the dog to be physically restrained.
B. The tether is attached to the dog by a non-choke-type collar and attached to the stationary object by swivel anchors, latches, or similar devices in a manner which prevents the tether from becoming entangled around any object so as to limit the dog’s freedom within the tethered area or to prevent the dog, or any of its appendages, from becoming entangled by the tether.
C. The tether must be of a type commonly used for the size of the dog involved, and if the tether is a chain, it may not be thicker than 1/8 inch.
D. The dog has easy access to potable drinking water, edible food and adequate shade and/or shelter within the tethered area.
E. The dog is periodically monitored while tethered for the aforementioned reasonable period of time.
F. The dog is not tethered outdoors in violation of §3-505.7

§ 3-505.7 Restrictions on leaving dogs outdoors.

It shall be unlawful for any person to leave any dog outside and unattended during any period in which a severe weather warning has been issued for Dauphin County by the National Weather Service for a continuous period of time greater than 1/2 hour if the temperature during such period remains entirely either below 32° F. or above 90° F. “Outside,” for purposes of this section, shall mean any unattended dog that is outside subject to the weather and elements, which expressly includes, but is not limited to, a dog in a securely fenced-in yard, a dog in a carrier, or a dog tethered or tied-out. The dog shall be considered “outside” regardless of access to an outdoor doghouse or similar structure, unless such structure is a properly functioning climate-controlled and weather-resistant structure.

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