¡Muy chingón! George Lopez Wants You to Save Dogs!
George Lopez is well known as a superstar comedian and actor, but to his adopted dog, Owen, he’s only ever been a best friend. In his ad for PETA, the beloved sitcom star and L.A. native—along with Owen—says it’s “chingón” (or “f*cking great!”) when people take the one simple step that can significantly help his canine friends in the shelter system as well as reducing the homeless-animal overpopulation crisis in the U.S.: spaying and neutering their animal companions. He knows how important this is, having grown up in L.A., where he often saw strays running around because unsterilized dogs in his neighborhood were having litter after litter of puppies.

Every year in the U.S., more than 6 million lost, abandoned, or unwanted dogs and cats enter shelters. Half are euthanized simply because there aren’t enough good homes for them all. Animals who aren’t fortunate enough to be taken to a shelter struggle to survive on the streets, where they sustain injuries, are tortured by cruel people, or suffer from starvation, dehydration, diseases, or parasites. Spaying and neutering can make a big difference in reducing populations of stray animals.
Check out the behind-the-scenes video and exclusive interview from George’s photo shoot:
Most communities have low-cost or free spay/neuter clinics that make it easy for everyone to do the right thing and have their animals sterilized. Call SpayUSA toll-free at 1-800-248-SPAY (1-800-248-7729) to find your nearest low-cost clinic. The organization’s phone counselors are available to offer assistance Monday through Friday.
Aside from always spaying or neutering your animal companions, you can help end the overpopulation crisis by urging your city authority to pass a law to make the sterilization of cats and dogs obligatory. If such legislation already exists, make sure it’s being enforced!