No Water! A New Hellish Twist for Overworked Donkeys in the Desert

Animals forced to work in Petra, Jordan, have been without a source of water for two weeks. It’s 104°F, and a lack of water not only causes them immense distress but also brings on cases of colic and potentially fatal heatstroke.

Pulled From the Rubble! More Animals Rescued in Vovchansk, Ukraine

Undeterred by air raids and hellish battles, PETA-supported animal rescuers take to the rubble-strewn streets of Ukraine, scouring them for survivors.

PETA-Supported Rescuers Pull Pig From Pit of Despair in Ukraine

PETA-supported rescuers knew they had to act fast to evacuate a pig from a deadly situation in Ukraine. Find out how they saved the day again!

In Just Days, a Town Was Reduced to Rubble—Watch a Team Get Animals Out

Watch as a PETA-supported team scours the rubble-strewn streets of a city in Ukraine, evacuating 20 terrified souls from the wreckage and helping them escape the horrors they’ve endured.

Kharkiv Bombardment: Time Is Running Out for Abandoned Animals in Ukraine

On a harrowing mission deep in war-torn Vovchansk, Ukraine, a PETA-supported rescue team stared death in the face to save four dogs.

BREAKING: Urgent Animal Rescue Operation Underway in Ukraine’s Kharkiv War Zone

PETA-supported teams in Ukraine are undergoing an emergency evacuation for hundreds of animals in their care—find out how to help them save a life.

Desperation in the Desert: Donkeys and Dogs Endure Two Crises

For five long days, working donkeys were denied water and local dogs were found suffering from a rabies outbreak.

Rescued in Ukraine! Butch the Dog’s Astonishing Transformation

PETA-supported teams in Ukraine showered terrified dog Butch with love and medical care until he was ready to start his new life. Watch the video now!

A PETA Supporter’s Generous Commitment to Working Donkeys and Horses

Follow Julie’s inspiring journey—from witnessing suffering to sparking change—to help improve the lives of donkeys and horses in Petra, Jordan.

Bombs Soar Over Rescuers’ Heads as They Pull Off One of the Most Daring Missions Yet

Watch as PETA-supported teams risk their lives to dodge bombs and gunfire to save 22 animals in this daring mission less than 2 miles from the Russian border.

How Did Sick Dog Britney Survive in a Heavily Bombed City? Watch the Video

Britney was cowering in an old barn, hiding from the terrifying onslaught of gunfire in a Ukrainian town, when PETA-supported teams came to her rescue.

60 Dogs and Cats Are on Their Way to New Lives, Thanks to Rescuers in Ukraine

The day before PETA-supported teams arrived, two bombs hit a town in Ukraine. Watch the video to see how they worked with compassionate people to get animals out.

A Dog Was So Frightened She Hid in Her Destroyed Home—See Her Now 

Meet five abandoned dogs clinging to survival amid desolation in Ukraine as a PETA-supported rescue group comes to their aid.

Rescued From the Rubble! Team in Ukraine Swoops In to Save 30 Animals After Bombing

In one bombed-out area in Ukraine, the houses were barely standing. Watch as PETA-supported rescuers navigate the dangerous terrain to save more than two dozen animals.

Manya Rescued From a Snowdrift in Ukraine: Watch Her Jaw-Dropping Recovery

Manya the dog’s tale went from hopeless to hopeful, thanks to a PETA-supported clinic.

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