Video: Terrified Animals Attempt to Flee From Fireworks

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

The opening ceremony for a new stadium in Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico, ended with fireworks—much to the terror of the animals confined at the neighboring La Pastora Zoo. A video shared on social media shows terrified animals’ futile attempts to flee from the explosions:

PETA has repeatedly complained to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) about fireworks displays at roadside zoos and other animal exhibitions in the United States, where the animals are, no doubt, just as frightened, but these terrifying displays continue to go on. No animal should be made to feel such fear in the name of entertainment.

What You Can Do

Don’t patronize zoos or any other place where animals are imprisoned and can be subjected to the trauma of fireworks, concerts, or other loud or intrusive celebrations.

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