Victory for Seals! WTO Upholds EU Ban on Seal Fur

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

This morning, the World Trade Organization (WTO) ruled that the EU can legally ban the import of seal fur and other products because of “moral concerns.” The WTO wasn’t persuaded at all by Canada’s claim that the slaughter can be humane. This victory follows appeals by EU resident Jude Law, who wrote to the WTO on PETA U.K.’s behalf, and Canadian Pamela Anderson, who wrote to the WTO on PETA’s behalf, urging it to do just what it’s done. Previously, PETA also got music legends Joan Jett, Iggy Pop, and Sarah McLachlan to weigh in, requesting that the WTO hearings be open so that the public could be fully informed and better able to submit comments to the WTO panel deciding the case.

Happy Seal

Says Pamela through her newly founded Pamela Anderson Foundation, “The World Trade Organization’s decision to uphold the EU’s ban on seal fur is a huge victory for seals, and I couldn’t be more thrilled! I hope that my native Canada will drop its appeal immediately, rather than continuing to waste millions of taxpayer dollars and tarnishing my country’s reputation around the world.”

Pamela Anderson Seals PSA

Since there are now no remaining markets for seal fur, the WTO’s ruling may be the final nail in the sealing industry’s coffin. Instead of squandering millions more in taxpayer dollars appealing yet another international ruling against it, Canada should pursue a buyout.

What You Can Do

We have reached a tipping point in the campaign but still need your help. Please speak up for seals by taking action.

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