Utah ‘Feral Cat Bill’ Shot Down, Cats Aren’t

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

Ding-dong, the wicked bill is dead. The Utah state Senate killed the so-called “feral cat bill,” which would have allowed people to shoot on sight any cats, dogs, birds, rats, mice, pigs and other animals they thought could potentially be feral or otherwise considered a “nuisance.”

bobmacinnes/cc by2.0

It sounds like a prank from The Onion, but House Bill 210, proposed by Rep. Curtis Oda, was the real deal, gunning for open season on abandoned and stray animals (although Stephen Colbert did do a side-splitting piece on it).

Rep. Mike Noel, who supported the bill, said it wasn’t a matter of if stray cats were coming for his cows, but when. Okay, if Utah’s homeless cats are tough enough to take down a cow, then we have been looking at the issue of homeland security all wrong.

Written by Michelle Sherrow

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