The 15 Most Awesome Photos of People Standing Up for Animals This Week

Published by PETA Staff.
3 min read

At the Detroit Auto Show, PETA supporters chained themselves to plastic barrels to reveal to Iditarod-sponsor Chrysler just a fraction of the horrors that dogs who are used in this race endure.

chrysler protest, chained dogs
chrysler iditarod protest, chained dogs

People who work in Times Square probably thought they’d seen it all … until a PETA supporter stood nearly naked in freezing temperatures while people tore the “skin” from her body. Thanks to prosthetic makeup, H&M employees and thousands of passersby saw what happens to animals killed for leather.

leather is a rip-off demo, times square
leather is a rip-off demo, times square

In Toronto, Marado Sushi was eaten alive by angry residents after an “octopus” and his friends showed everyone how the restaurant hacks apart living octopuses and other sea animals and serves them still writhing. While the demo streamed on Facebook Live, the restaurant was reportedly flooded with phone calls from irate people.

live-eating demo, octopus

These “mice” won’t be quiet. A throng of protestors descended on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in Washington, D.C., to demand that the National Institutes of Health stop funding painful—and pointless—sepsis experiments on mice. PETA screened graphic video footage of one such experiment, in which mice were sewn together and given a severe infection, even though NIH itself has said that sepsis experiments on mice are completely irrelevant to human health.

mouse demo, nih, washington, d.c.
mouse sepsis protest, nih, washington d.c.

Canada Goose can’t hide anywhere. When the company opened a flagship store in Tokyo, PETA members and supporters didn’t miss a beat—and soon, the storefront was flanked by a flock of angry “geese.”

Texas A&M University can’t hide, either—not even at a church.

texas a&m dog labs protest projector demo, church, texas

PETA Germany called in the big “dogs”—and “monkeys,” “mice,” and “frogs”—to demand that lawmakers in Baden-Württemberg allow students to opt out of dissection. Students already have that right in other parts of the country.

germany anti-dissection protest

And our vegan mascots have been traveling across the U.S. …

cow, chicken, pig demos
cow, chicken, pig demos

… and popping up all over the place to help urge people to go vegan. Their many stops included these iconic locations:

vegan letters demo, chicago bean
vegan letters demo, hollywood sign, la

Feeling inspired? No matter what your talent is (even if it’s wearing a chicken costume), PETA is always accepting applications for energetic volunteers. Watch people’s minds change during our fun, provocative, and empowering demonstrations. Contact the Action Team to learn how you can get involved.

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