PETA’s Project Runway

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

It’s already the talk of the fashion world gathered in New York for Fashion Week, and of course the media is all over it, but just in case you haven’t heard yet, PETA and Marc Bouwer are making fashion history today. This afternoon, PETA is hosting Bouwer’s show—the first ever collection by a designer that’s 100 percent cruelty-free. Not even any wool!In an industry that isn’t exactly known for its social conscience, Bouwer stands out as a very successful anomaly. He’s dressed A-listers galore including Mariah Carey, Oprah, Jessica Simpson, Heidi Klum, Jennifer Hudson, and so many others. Remember how amazingly hot Angelina looked at the Oscars? That was Marc:


Good luck this afternoon Marc!


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