PETA’s ‘Canada Douche’ Guerilla Marketing Takes Down Canada Goose
You know the hallmarks of a real douche: someone who is obnoxious, arrogant, materialistic, and eager to laugh when someone else is suffering. It turns out that this is exactly who Canada Goose is marketing its overpriced and cruelly produced winter coats to. Hence, the birth of PETA’s guerilla anti-marketing “Canada Douche” campaign.
PETA is plastering Toronto, where Canada Goose is headquartered, with public service announcements designed to help the good people of the city steer clear of douchery by avoiding the real douches at Canada Goose.

As downtown Toronto—including the mall and the area around Canada Goose’s headquarters—braves the douchepocalypse, PETA hopes that this brazen campaign will persuade shoppers to think for a moment about the coyotes who are wounded in steel traps and then shot, and the geese who are shackled and killed, so that Canada Goose can make money. It’s not too late for people already wearing Canada Goose to shed the skins and for the company to switch to cruelty-free faux fur and feather-free insulation.

Hundreds of companies are now fur-free, including Canada Goose’s competitors, Patagonia, Arc’teryx, and The North Face, as well as top designers like Gucci, Michael Kors, Calvin Klein, and Ralph Lauren. Other brands like HoodLamb and Wully Outerwear use exclusively down-free technology. With so many durable and luxury faux options on the market today, it’s past time for Canada Goose to join the modern era and stop torturing and killing animals.
Always speak up when you see people wearing Canada Goose to remind them about the animals who are cruelly killed for clothing.