PETA Punks the Miami Marlins
The Miami Marlins swing into the regular season in a new ballpark, opening tonight, featuring engraved pavement stones in the East Plaza, one of which reads:

As you may have detected, the first letters of the words in this message spell out “,” a Web address that brings up a page on PETA’s website about the cruelty involved in fishing and the reasons to give fish a break. Yep, it’s a hidden message placed by PETA—after all, when animals’ lives are on the line (pun intended), why limit attention-getting pranks about fish to April Fools’ Day?
Help the (Real) Marlins Win!
Marlins are a species of fish. And they, like all fish, are much more beautiful alive and swimming in the ocean than on a menu.
Fish (including marlins) feel pain, and they suffer when they’re caught on a hook or in a net and dragged into an environment in which they can’t breathe. It’s much better to choose cruelty-free activities instead—like, say, watching a baseball game.