Cancún Spay-a-Thon Reaches Hundreds of Dogs and Cats
PETA Latino has come through for animals in Mexico! The group’s commitment to hosting spay-a-thons to help end Cancún’s homeless-animal crisis has resulted in free spay/neuter surgeries for 2,752 dogs and cats—the latest event reaching 460 animals in just two days!
Over a recent weekend, an elementary school in Cancún was full of energetic “new students”: Hundreds of cats, dogs, volunteers, partner veterinarians, and workers from partner shelters attended the event. And the actual students weren’t left out, either! When they learned the importance of spaying and neutering and that their school was going to be turned into a temporary surgical center for animals, the schoolchildren wanted to participate. They made informative posters to relay the spay-a-thon’s dates and times as well as important information on pre- and post-operative care. Local shop owners proudly displayed them in their store windows to help promote the free clinic. Mayor Ana Patricia Peralta also supported the work, stopping by to present PETA Latino with a certificate of appreciation.
Local rescuers and residents brought in many patients, and teams hit the streets to scoop up animals without homes for sterilization and vaccination, preventing thousands of unwanted animal births. Several of the dogs and cats were also fitted for new collars and received relief from uncomfortable flea infestations.
While waiting for the patients, participants munched on delicious vegan burritos and read free copies of PETA President Ingrid Newkirk’s book Un Mundo de Amor Para los Animals (A World of Love for Animals), and children enjoyed the free activity books.
Did You Know?
In just one year, an unspayed cat can give birth to 12 kittens and an unspayed dog can give birth to 16 puppies! Mexico ranks first in Latin America for the largest number of stray dogs, with nearly 500,000 who are abandoned each year. They can produce millions of unwanted animals throughout the country, who are then left to struggle to survive after being born on the streets. Sterilizations and vaccinations aren’t widely affordable, so these free clinics are vital to ending homelessness.
How You Can Help Dogs and Cats
High-volume, free or low-cost clinics help end generation after generation of suffering, as fewer unsterilized dogs and cats means fewer animals born on the streets—especially in communities that don’t have the resources to care for them. You can help support groups like PETA Latino and its partners that are changing the lives of homeless and vulnerable animals by giving to the Global Compassion Fund today.