Pam Anderson Sells One Viper to Benefit Many
Our very own Pam Anderson has auctioned off her Dodge Viper. Why did she give up this super speedy racer? Because she cares more about real reptiles—and all other exotic animals whose skin is torn from their flesh for fashion. (Don’t you love the alliteration bug that I caught today?) Pam has pledged to give the proceeds from the auction to PETA so that we can use the money to inform people who think that they might want a reptile-skin bag about how these amazing animals are treated when they’re converted from captivating creatures to cruel clothing. (There I go again!)
Snake skin and alligator skin—heck, all animal skin—were designed for the original occupants’ use only. Several thousand years of evolution went into making their scales and hides fit them beautifully—not some misguided fashionista who’s going for the “I just got kicked off the island” look.

Posted by Sean Conner