Shocker: Mom Finds Parts of Dead Chickens in Chicken Soup

Published by Paula Moore.
2 min read

chickenThis may come as a surprise to you, but if you eat chicken soup, there’s gonna be dead chickens. A mom in Colorado discovered this recently when she opened a container of Campbell’s Chicken & Stars soup for her daughter and was upset to find what looked like a tiny chicken embryo inside. According to a technician at a laboratory that tested the unsavory specimen, the mystery meat was really just “a tendon or cartilage that would be used to bind the muscle to the bone.” Phew. That’s so much better, right? Uh, no.

This incident serves as a good reminder that the animals whose parts are commonly dished up as shreds, chunks, or slices are all unique individuals who value their lives just as much as we value ours. When not confined to factory farms, mother hens lovingly tend to their eggs and cluck soothingly to their chicks. Studies have shown that these smart, inquisitive birds have good memories and that they can learn basic math skills. They also develop lasting bonds with their companions.

What You Can Do

PETA is urging the Colorado mom and her family to stop eating chickens (and cows, pigs, and fish, too), and to help them get started, we’ve sent them a one-month supply of tasty No Chicken Noodle soup made by Amy’s Kitchen. If you haven’t yet made the switch, try vegan meals for 30 days and see how you feel. Vegan foods are free of cholesterol, cruelty, and, of course, dead animals!

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