Little Boy Enraged at Dad for Killing a Mouse Tells Him What’s What
No one delivers the cold, hard truth quite like an unfiltered child—and we can’t help but love watching little tikes give naive adults a verbal smackdown. That’s why our new hero is this 6-year-old boy who gave his dad and sister a stern talking to for killing a helpless mouse.
According to a translated copy of the video, the enraged boy’s “lecture” lasted nearly 20 minutes. He exclaimed to his dad numerous times that the mouse was simply looking for a new home and food for her family.
“Soon, there won’t be any animals at all because of you,” he said, adding that his dad was “destroying nature.”
Much like us, mice and rats are very social creatures. They become attached to one another, love their families, and enjoy playing, wrestling, and sleeping curled up together. Rats love to be tickled, and when they are, they make chirping noises that sound like laughter. Both species are so smart that they can recognize their names and respond when called.
Spectators on the internet have cheered for this boy’s empathy and compassion for animals. The original video has gained over 4 million views. We hope this viral sensation teaches adults a thing or two about treating animals with dignity, respect, and kindness.
A Rat Is a Pig Is a Dog Is a Boy
Often, children see themselves in animals. They realize that members of other species experience joy, have families, and feel pain and fear just as humans do. Kids have a natural empathy for animals, and when they learn about the suffering that many endure, many children want to do their part to help stop it.
Violently asserting human supremacy over animals is a learned behavior. But kids don’t need to be taught to love animals—they do so instinctively.
What You Can Do
As this little boy so passionately explained, all animals have feelings and the right to live free from unnecessary suffering—regardless of whether they’re considered “pests.” If you find unwelcome rodents in your home or at your place of business, work to deter them humanely.
Glue traps and poisons are futile, dangerous to humans and companion animals, and extremely cruel, as animals often suffer for days before eventually dying in agony. When animals are killed, more just move into the area to take advantage of the newly available resources, so making your house unattractive to unwanted guests is the key to reducing conflicts.