Joaquin Phoenix’s New Film ‘What the Health’ is NOW on Netflix

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

Have you ever wondered if those stories about conspiracies between junk-food manufacturers and pharmaceutical behemoths were true? Executive producer Joaquin Phoenix and the creators of the award-winning documentary Cowspiracy found out the answers. And they are blowing the lid off “the collusion and corruption in government and big business that is costing us trillions of healthcare dollars, and keeping us sick.” Despite having interviews abruptly cut short and doors slammed in their faces, the filmmakers are presenting what they found in their new documentary, What the Health, available today on Netflix.

“I considered myself very well informed on the benefits of a healthy diet, but What the Health opened my eyes to the sinister influence of the pharmaceutical, agribusiness, and processed food industries,” Phoenix says. “This is the largest health cover-up of our time, and I knew I had to help bring this information to the American public so we can create change.”

By releasing What the Health on Netflix, the filmmakers are hoping to share what they’ve learned with as many people as possible and empower them to fight back against Big Ag and Big Pharma.

Joaquin Phoenix What the Health Movie Poster

Phoenix has never been one to shy away from tough subjects, having helped PETA expose wool producers, the trade in dog leather, the cold-blooded horror of the exotic-skins industry, and more. And he won’t shy away from them now.

Catch What the Health this weekend on Netflix. And if it leaves you hungry for more of what food producers aren’t telling you, check out some other eye-opening films available for streaming.

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