Jeff Lowe Did a Reddit AMA—It Went Just As Badly as You’d Think

Published by Zachary Toliver.
4 min read

Whoever told big-cat exploiter Jeff Lowe (or as one Redditor called him, “an anthropomorphized can of Monster Energy,” which was funny even though we love Monster’s vegan options) that doing a Q&A with the internet was a good idea—well, it seems that they were looking out for Lowe like he looks out for tigers.

In a grasping attempt to stay relevant after the success of Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness, Lowe recently appeared on Reddit to do an “Ask Me Anything” (AMA)—and wow, did people ask him anything.

Jeff Lowe AMA

If you are a connoisseur of fine internet roasting or just want to see an animal abuser get laid into by the ruthlessly honest public, go ahead and sift through the full AMA here.

A roast of this caliber isn’t for the faint of heart, and the language is definitely NSFW (but most people are working from home, so it’s probably cool).

Among our favorite responses came from Redditors who noted Lowe’s connection with other infamous animal exhibitors, such as the disgraceful Tim Stark. In the past, Stark has encouraged patrons to hit tiger cubs, swung and tossed monkeys by their tails and hips during public encounters, and bludgeoned a leopard to death with a baseball bat.

See the company Lowe seems to keep?

Jeff Lowe AMA

Redditors also wanted to know about his connection to fellow notorious animal exploiter Bhagavan “Doc” Antle and suggested that perhaps Lowe should check himself before casting stones:

Jeff Lowe AMA

Keep in mind that in nature, tiger cubs stay with their protective and nurturing mothers for up to two years. This means that the tigers mentioned above were torn away from their mothers and then, surely frightened, stuffed into a suitcase like a tacky piece of apparel.

Jeff Lowe AMA

It doesn’t take an oracle to understand who Lowe is as a person. The man is a straight-up animal exploiter, no better than “Joe Exotic” himself.

Following complaints from PETA, local law-enforcement officials raided Lowe’s Las Vegas home and confiscated two tiger cubs and a solitary lemur. This led to charges of three counts of unlawful possession of wild animals. He was reportedly selling public interactions and photos with the animals.

Lowe’s ability to stand out in Tiger King truly is a feat considering that the Netflix docuseries features some of the worst animal abusers PETA has ever gone up against.

Some questions got straight to the point, such as this one …

… and this one.

Other posts weren’t so much questions as overwhelmingly descriptive deep dives into the essence of Jeff Lowe. Tigers are complex, living beings with emotions and vibrant personalities—two things the internet feels he thoroughly lacks.

For whatever ridiculous reason, Lowe chose to do this AMA—but tigers imprisoned at Greater Wynnewood Exotic Animal Park would never choose to be handled by humans for photo ops or to live in cramped, barren cages.

There is one choice we wonder if Lowe made, however:

There may be no hope for Lowe to climb out of the body bag that Reddit just zipped him into, but you can help tigers like the ones he’s exploited for years.

All animals want to be free from torment, just like you and me. PETA makes it easy to take action for big cats abused in the entertainment industry. Click on the link below to help with our crucial work.

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