Help Shame Ringling Into Extinction
This is it, people! The circus industry is built on masking animal torture as family fun—and it’s time to force that industry to crumble. As you may know, this week PETA broke our latest undercover investigation into Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus. With the powerful footage obtained by our investigator, we are closer than ever to seeing animals freed from the living hell that is life in the circus. Can you imagine being stolen from your mom and chained for an average of more than 26 hours at a time, sometimes for as many as 60–100 hours straight, only to be beaten and forced to perform day after day?
My friends, you’re in a position to help end their suffering. How, you ask? For starters, watch the video. Second, sign this petition and forward it to all your friends via every social networking site you’re on. (There are even links at the bottom of the petition to help you do it.)
And finally, my personal fave—get your booty on the street and protest like these hipsters!
Just think—this could be you!
Standing up for animals is fulfilling, to say the least. Believe me. So get on out there, y’all!
Written by Missy Lane