If You Give a Pig a Video Game …

Published by Michelle Reynolds.
2 min read

The Black Friday shoppers who were standing in line at midnight to score deals on video games weren’t necessarily parents of teenage boys. Some of them might have been pig guardians.

It’s true: Pigs love a good video game. Surprised? Then try this one on for size: Pigs can answer to their names within a week of being born. Yep. That skill takes people, what, two years to master?

Pigs are super-smart. In fact, they’re classified as the fourth-smartest animal on the planet—ahead of cats and dogs (who haven’t the foggiest idea what a Wii is).

And here are some other things that you may not know about pigs:

  • They enjoy listening to music.
  • They “Eskimo kiss” like humans by rubbing their noses together.
  • The intense bond between mother pigs and their babies is just as strong as that between human parents and their children.
  • Pigs are chatterboxes, and their wide range of grunts, squeaks, snarls, and snorts all have distinct meanings.
  • Just like human beings, they have widely varied personalities: Pigs can be shy or outgoing, serious or playful.
  • Piglets play like human children: chasing each other, pretend fighting, squealing, and playing with toys.

Pigs can also suffer from depression, as many on factory farms do. And they don’t want to be slaughtered and turned into a centerpiece. This holiday season, serve a hearty and delicious Field Roast and save a pig from your table.

You may just wind up with a new favorite gaming partner.

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