Early Christmas Gift for Dog Saved From Lab
Yes, there is a Santa Claus—at least there is for Sheena, a lovable mutt who was slated to be used in cruel experiments at the University of Utah (the U) but is now safe in a foster home.
Sheena’s former guardian, Gayle, reluctantly surrendered the dog to the North Utah Valley Animal Shelter (NUVAS) in hopes of finding her a new home because Sheena wasn’t getting along with another dog in the house and Gayle could not afford to keep three large dogs. Unbeknownst to Gayle, who visited Sheena at NUVAS several times to make sure that she was being cared for, the shelter sells animals to laboratories for use in experiments. One day, Gayle called NUVAS to check on Sheena and learned that, without warning, the dog had been sold to the U. When Gayle asked NUVAS staffers what would happen to her dog and pressed them for details on the shelter’s arrangement with the U, she was told that shelter employees are prohibited from speaking with the public about it.
After contacting the U to make sure that Sheena was still alive, Gayle immediately called PETA’s emergency hotline and learned that dogs who are purchased from NUVAS by the U are often surgically mutilated and killed. Gayle demanded that the U return Sheena to her, and with PETA’s help, she found Sheena a loving foster home, where the dog will stay until a permanent home becomes available.
Sheena will have a merry Christmas after all! But many other dogs aren’t so lucky. PETA is urging NUVAS to follow in the footsteps of every other shelter in the state and stop betraying homeless animals by selling them for experiments.
If you are unable to properly care for your dog or cat and feel that you must find a new home for him or her, please make sure that you don’t surrender your companion to a shelter that sells animals to laboratories.
Written by Heather Moore