Video: Deaf Dog Rescued by PETA Gets His Christmas Miracle

Published by Michelle Reynolds.
2 min read

Pip didn’t have a lot of reasons to be happy. The sweet mixed-breed dog was presumably born deaf, but his owners still kept him in a dirty backyard pen all alone. He received precious little attention or companionship. And yet, even this almost unimaginable start to life couldn’t dampen the little guy’s spirit.

Pip, Deaf Dog Rescued by CAP

PETA’s fieldworkers discovered Pip not long after he was relegated to this lonely cage and began making regular visits to check on him. They raked out his pen and gave him dry straw bedding to lie on, nutritious food and clean water, treats, chew toys to help pass the time, and much-needed affection. Pip lived for the visits from his friends and would start darting around his cage, excitedly wagging his tail, as soon as he spotted PETA’s van approaching.

Pip, Deaf Dog Rescued by CAP

PETA’s workers begged Pip’s owners to let them give him the opportunity to have a real indoor home with a family who could meet all his needs. Finally, one day, they agreed.

PipPip-hooray! Watch this big-hearted special needs pup say goodbye to his pen for the first time—and the last time.

Every dog deserves the life that Pip has now. Forcing a dog to live in an outdoor pen or trapped on a chain is torment for these social pack animals. Dogs left outside often die from exposure to harsh weather, untreated medical conditions, attacks by other animals from whom they have no means of escape, or cruel acts by humans. Dogs are family, and family belongs inside.

Pip, Deaf Dog Rescued by CAP

Are you ready to be a hero to an animal like Pip? If so, e-mail [email protected] to get in touch with our shelter staff, who can help match you with your perfect companion. Or visit your local shelter and give a homeless animal the greatest gift of the holiday season: love.

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