Campaign Updates: U.S. Army Resumes Weapons-Wounding Tests on Animals

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

The U.S. Army has shockingly reversed its previous ban on animal tests for studying weapon-inflicted wounds. This decision allows the use of dogs, cats, monkeys, and marine animals in these distressing tests. PETA is actively calling for an end to this practice and the reinstatement of the ban, and you can help.

Progress! Army Spares Ferrets—but Still Uses Others in Weapon-Wounding Tests

November 9, 2023

Progress! After hearing from PETA, the U.S. Army ended its cruel brain-damaging weapon-wounding experiment on ferrets more than six months ahead of schedule. Ferrets will no longer be bombarded with radio waves in attempts to study Havana syndrome in humans. The cruel test had been conducted at Wayne State University in Michigan and bankrolled with $750,000 in taxpayer dollars. Take action to let the Army know that we won’t retreat until all animals are shielded from its sights.

PETA Gets Op-Ed Published Urging U.S. Army to Ban Animals in Weapon-Wounding Tests

August 3, 2023

News outlets published a compelling op-ed—written by retired Army Sgt. Carla Gunn, who serves as a senior technical project manager for PETA—that sheds light on the distressing realities of weapon-wounding testing on animals by the U.S. Army. The piece urges the military branch to take immediate action by banning the use of animals in such tests.

Poster showing a gun aimed at a dog, monkey, and cat. Text reads The US army is waging war on animals. It needs to ban weapon wounding experiments on animals now

New PETA Ad Blitz Targets U.S. Army’s Gruesome Weapons-Wounding Tests

June 12, 2023

Photo of a dog looking at the viewer. Text reads US Army Ban Weapon wounding tests on animals now

PETA has launched an eye-catching digital ad blitz featuring a dog urging the U.S. Army to stop permitting the use of animals in grisly weapons-wounding tests.

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