Bean Wantin’ to Visit New Mexico?
New Mexico‘s motto is currently “Land of Enchantment,” but the state’s Tourism Department officials have become, well, disenchanted with it. They feel it doesn’t accurately convey New Mexico’s considerable appeal to potential tourists, so they’re looking to rebrand the state with a new slogan. PETA’s suggestion? Replace “Land of Enchantment” with the vegan- and animal-friendly slogan “New Mexico: You’ve Bean Wantin’ to Visit Us.”
Having vacationed there myself not long ago, I can confirm that New Mexico is full of animal-friendly folks—like the dedicated people I met who run a prairie-dog rescue organization—and tempting vegetarian food. Albuquerque was named one of PETA’s Most Veg-Friendly Cities, and it’s no accident: In a part of the country with a strong agrarian heritage, New Mexico is a major producer of plant-based foods, including nuts and beans (hence our proposed slogan) as well as their famous piñons and green chilies.
Wherever you live, PETA’s database of great veggie recipes can help you enjoy mouthwatering, animal-friendly Southwestern foods, not to mention many other cuisines. And if “you’ve bean wantin’” to go vegan, PETA can help with that too.