URGENT: Plans for World’s First Octopus Farm Must Be Stopped!
Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands, Spain, is set to open the world’s first intensive octopus farm. Hundreds of thousands of these hyperintelligent beings would be commercially reared in cramped tanks every year before being slaughtered for food—and they would endure intense and prolonged suffering. Help PETA stop these plans!

Currently, there’s no legislation in Spain that protects octopus welfare, leaving these animals vulnerable to unscrupulous profiteers who could keep them in horrific conditions and inflict unspeakable pain and suffering on them without any legal repercussions.

It’s crucial that these plans for the world’s first octopus farm be canceled. Please take the following actions to help prevent intelligent, sensitive octopuses from being bred in order to be killed for their flesh:
- Comment on the Canary Islands’ Facebook and Instagram pages to politely let the government and tourists know that building an octopus-breeding farm would be cruel—not to mention completely unnecessary when there’s an abundance of delicious vegan Spanish cuisine—and that you won’t visit unless the plans are canceled.
- Contact the company behind this project on Twitter (@PescanovaCorp) and politely urge it to withdraw its plans to breed and kill octopuses.
- If you haven’t already, please take action below and speak up for octopuses—who just want humans to leave them alone.
Thank you for taking action, and please share this alert with your friends and family.