PETA Awards Maverick Senator From Canada

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

Sen. Mac Harb of Ontario is Canada’s first-ever elected official to introduce a bill to end the commercial seal slaughter, and now he is Canada’s first-ever elected official to receive a PETA award! Sen. Harb graciously accepted his Humanitarian Award at a ceremony Saturday in New York.

Photo: Kurt Leggard

He also wrote about the award and his bill on The Huffington Post, saying:

Animal advocacy groups such as PETA have played an important role in moving us into the future. When I introduced my bill, PETA rounded up support from prominent Canadians as diverse as Sarah McLachlan and Pamela Anderson and from international figures, including Pink, Bill Maher, and Ellen DeGeneres, all of whom—along with their throngs of fans in Canada and around the world—contacted Canadian senators urging them to support the bill and end the slaughter. As a result of overwhelming support, my bill was seconded, and the Senate recently unanimously consented to continuing this debate in the coming months. This is historic, and every single person who has taken action has made a difference.

This is the closest that we have ever come to ending the barbaric bludgeoning, shooting, and skinning of baby seals for their fur.

© Sea Shepherd Conservation Society

Help make Sen. Harb’s bill law. E-mail Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Liberal Leader Bob Rae, and New Democratic Party Leader Thomas Mulcair and ask for their support for Bill S-210.

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