
Laramie, Wyoming

Sec. 6.20.013 – Neglect.

C. Animals may be tethered as a means of confinement only in accordance with the following:

  1. They may not be tethered longer than eight hours in any twenty-four-hour period.
  2. They may not be tethered on a line less than three times their body length as measured from tip of nose to tip of tail.
  3. They may not be tethered on a line that weighs more than one-quarter of their body weight.

D. Tethered animals must be secured in such a manner as to allow access to shelter, food, and water as otherwise required and the area must be free of obstruction and potential for entanglement.

E. Animals may not be tethered in temperatures that exceed eighty degrees Fahrenheit or temperatures below thirty-two degrees Fahrenheit, unattended.

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