NYC: Drop Dead (Meat)

We’ve always said that meat is murder, but our demonstration in New York City this week literally turned that message into flesh and blood. Well, OK, the blood was fake, but the point was genuine: All meat comes from somebody. And when you show human bodies in those neatly plastic-wrapped supermarket packages, the point hits … Read more »

Cleavage Cavaliers’ Open Letter to Cleveland

Dear Cleveland, We know that it’s hard to let go of LeBron James. Our hearts melted for you when we heard that he signed with the Miami Heat, so we thought we’d cruise around Cleveland today, doing something really cool to lift your spirits: handing out free Tofutti Cuties in outfits that would make most … Read more »

Seven Injured in Pamplona

Of course, I’m not talking about the tormented bulls—I mean the intoxicated bullies who were trampled on the second day of Pamplona’s weeklong San Fermín festival. Reporters, who were apparently channeling their inner Hemingway, described the bulls as “angry,” “threatening” “hulking beasts.” I think those terms better describe the people who goad animals into a … Read more »

World Cup Winners

With people glued to their TVs to watch the final matches of the World Cup, a group of folks from PETA Asia, Fur Free South Africa, and the South African Naturist Federation—as well as fans from all over the world—seized the moment to speak out for animals who are killed for their fur.  From China … Read more »

Spain’s Queen of Shimmy vs. Matadors

It’s the eve of one of Mexico’s biggest bullfights. And earlier today, María Rosario Pilar Martínez Molina Gutiérrez de los Perales Santa Ana Romanguera y de la Hinojosa Rasten, better known as Charo, the bodacious ray of sunshine from Spain, led PETA’s anti-bullfight rally in Los Angeles. The lovely Latin music icon unveiled her new … Read more »

This Just In: PETA Activist Arrested

One of our top activists has just been arrested for participating in an anti-circus demonstration in Dallas. Her crime? You tell us, Dallas P.D.! No one will even tell us why she was arrested! Watch the action for yourself: Thanks to Animal Connection of Texas for capturing this on video, and hang in there, Meggan! … Read more »

Tasty! Toronto’s Veggie ‘Pureed’

Oops—I meant to say “Parade.” OK, so maybe that pun made you wince, but the photos from Toronto’s first annual Veggie Pride Parade will make you beam! PETA’s own Chris P. Carrot, Lettuce Ladies, and “seal” joined hundreds of revelers who encouraged curious onlookers to help animals, their own health, and the planet by going … Read more »

This Seal Wears Many Hats

It’s been a whirlwind week for PETA’s seal. To keep pressure on Canada to stop letting people shoot baby seals and bash their heads in, PETA’s sombrero-sporting seal followed Mexican President Felipe Calderón around to all his stops during his visit to Canada on Thursday.     President Calderón’s visit received tons of media attention, … Read more »

Speaking Up for Animals South of the Border

Our neighbors to the south have been busy bees for animals lately. Last Saturday, more than 9,000 people took part in a massive activist-organized march for animal rights in Mexico City. How inspiring are these pics?!   The event raised tons of awareness, got lots of media coverage, and allowed organizers to gather more than … Read more »

Chrissie Hynde Rocks Philly Against McCruelty

No one—and I mean no one—rocks like Chrissie Hynde. Whether she’s fronting the Pretenders or backing a PETA campaign, the vegan Rock and Roll Hall of Famer is never in the “Middle of the Road.” In fact, she’s always willing to go the extra mile (or “2000 Miles“) to help animals. Case in point? After … Read more »

Vote for the Cutest PETA Picture

Calling all connoisseurs of cuteness: We need your help deciding which of the following pics from recent PETA demonstrations is the most aww-inspiring. © Michael Croland Personally, I’m rooting for my boy Chris P. Carrot and his sweet pea Penelo, who recently attended the Veggie Pride Parade in New York City. Then again, I really … Read more »

Spice Up Your (Love) Life

It’s Cinco de Mayo, and these spicy señoritas—dressed in sizzling chili-pepper bikinis—have certainly grabbed my attention:     Our campaigners have been on the road handing out chili-shaped vegan chocolates across the country, along with plenty of information about why eating meat, eggs, and dairy products just isn’t, well, hot. In particular, the lovely ladies … Read more »

Furry Devil: Not a Pretty Picture

Because Anna Wintour hasn’t yet realized that fur is out of vogue and therefore should be out of Vogue—and hideous images of animals suffering on fur farms do not move her—PETA will get the infamous pelt-pusher’s attention with a hideous image of … herself. As Wintour was giving a talk about nuclear physics—wait, sorry, fashion—at … Read more »

PETA Puts Out the Un-Welcome Mat for Ringling

Notorious animal abusers might rethink a visit to Norfolk, Virginia—home of the world’s largest animal rights organization (PETA!). When Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus rolls its elephant-beating act into town, our Norfolk office holds a lively and unmissable protest to make it known that the animal circus isn’t welcome here—or anywhere! Check out … Read more »

This ‘Chicken’ Won’t Take McCruelty Sitting Down

  This clever PETA supporter gave the term “armchair activism” a whole new meaning by sitting down in order to stand up for chickens who have their throats cut open and are scalded alive by McDonald’s suppliers.

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