Take That, Olsen Twins!

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

When the Olsen twins—the “Trollsens,” as PETA calls them—trotted out a fur backpack, there wasn’t a chance that Running Russell Simmons star and animal advocate extraordinaire Simone Reyes was going to let it pass without a comment. She blasted the Trollsens on her blog, saying that they are “unfortunately using their vanity and the pursuit of making a blessed buck at the expense of innocent sentient beings.” Russell Simmons jumped in to help, tweeting Simone’s blog.

The Trollsens could take a cue from Banana Republic, which is launching a line inspired by the costumes in the upcoming film Anna Karenina that will be designed with elegant velvet, lace, and faux fur.

You won’t catch Constance Marie wearing animals or gawking at them in the rodeo ring. She tweeted, “Please boycott rodeos! #Video shows #Reno rodeo horses being shocked to perform: bit.ly/LLoUot #CrueltyIsNotEntertainment.”

Horror movie king Eli Roth knows that what’s really horrific is when animals are abused for entertainment. He tweeted in defense of elephants: “Elephants need you! Urge the Atlanta City Council to pass a total bullhook ban! bit.ly/LFIivF #NeverBeSilent.”

Photo: Robert Sebree  Grooming: Cheri Keating/The Wall Group  Animatronic Snake: Greg Nicotero/ KNB EFX Group

Vegan pitcher Pat Neshek knows that people provide the best entertainment: The talented Norfolk Tides player just snagged Pitcher of the Week honors.

To keep up with what the stars are doing for animals, follow @PETA on Twitter

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