Mitchel Kalmanson Denied Permission to Acquire More Animals

July 1, 2015 The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) has sided with PETA and denied Mitchel Kalmanson’s application to import six endangered tigers from Mexico. The tigers will be spared abuse at Kalmanson’s hands, which was going on even as the FWS was considering his application.

PETA Rescues Four Elderly Bears From Defunct Roadside Zoo

July 1, 2015 After learning that the owner of four bears was planning to give them away, PETA stepped in and arranged for them to be transferred to a sanctuary. These bears had not left their tiny, decrepit cages since at least 1995, when the roadside zoo where they were being held captive closed its … Read more »

Barilla Bans Animal Testing After Talks With PETA

July 1, 2015 Barilla, the largest pasta company in the world, issued a new policy banning all animal testing for its products and ingredients after being contacted by PETA about the company’s published studies detailing cruel experiments on rats in order to evaluate potential health claims about wheat. After PETA explained the experiments’ irrelevance to … Read more »

Serenity Springs Animal Welfare Act Complaint

June 23, 2015 Notorious roadside zoo Big Cats of Serenity Springs (BCSS) was been hit with a complaint from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and may soon face legal consequences for its long history of Animal Welfare Act citations, many of which were issued during inspections prompted by PETA complaints. The violations alleged in … Read more »

University of Kentucky Forced to Release Experimentation Records to PETA

Following an appeal by PETA, Kentucky’s attorney general ruled that the University of Kentucky violated the Kentucky Open Records Act by refusing to provide PETA with records related to its use of animals in classroom laboratories and training exercises. The university must now provide PETA with protocols describing classroom experiments on animals, which PETA will … Read more »

Miami-Dade School District Ends Cat Dissection

Following years of urging from PETA, the Miami-Dade school district—the fourth-largest district in the United States—has made the compassionate decision to ban cat dissection across all schools. PETA met with the school board, provided teachers with training in computer-based virtual dissections, and donated interactive cat-anatomy software for use throughout the district.  

Chipotle Sets Preference for Polled Breeding

After engaging with PETA, Chipotle revised its Pasture Dairy Quality Guidelines to emphasize its preference for polled (hornless) cattle as a means to reduce dehorning. The company also reported progress on this front with two of its primary dairy providers.

Oklahoma City School Drops Cat Dissection

Following a widespread public outcry after PETA released a video of callous students dancing with dead cats slated for dissection, top-ranked Harding Charter Preparatory High School in Oklahoma City has ended cruel cat dissections. Through its educational grants program, PETA has offered to donate humane teaching tools, such as digital dissection software, that have been … Read more »

PETA International Science Consortium Wins Appeal

June 1, 2015 PETA scientists and the PETA International Science Consortium Ltd. intervened to appeal a European testing case in which the lives of 1,300 animals were at stake. The appeals board ruled in our favor and set a new standard by requiring that all existing data be considered before requiring animal testing. This change … Read more »

Exotic Animals Banned From Entering Beaufort County, South Carolina

June 1, 2015 After PETA suggested a ban to prevent animals from entering Beaufort County, South Carolina, to the county attorney, the county quickly moved to prohibit anyone from bringing in exotic animals. This prevents Jeff Lowe, owner of Beaufort Liquidation, from moving additional big cats into the county. Lowe had a ramshackle roadside zoo … Read more »

Japan Airlines Stops Shipping Monkeys to Labs

May 2015 Following repeated requests from PETA and PETA Asia, Japan Airlines announced that it will no longer ship monkeys to laboratories or laboratory suppliers. The announcement came after PETA notified the company that a Japanese animal-experimentation trade journal had reported that Japan Airlines was actively involved in the transport of monkeys from the Philippines … Read more »

Indiana School Drops Animal Dissection

May 29, 2015 The Thea Bowman Leadership Academy’s science department is now cruelty-free, thanks to a software donation from PETA. The kind decision to replace crude animal dissection will spare the lives of countless frogs, save the school money, and provide students with a more effective and humane learning experience. Studies have repeatedly found that interactive … Read more »

MOD Pizza Adds Vegan Cheese

After PETA requested that MOD Pizza, the largest fast-casual pizza chain, add vegan cheese to its menu, the company successfully tested Daiya vegan cheese and began rolling it out in all its locations—and made a point not to charge extra for it.

Richmond, Virginia, Bans Bullhooks

May 11, 2015 After PETA sent out action alerts and PETA Foundation counsel testified at various hearings and sent information to council members, the Richmond, Virginia, City Council voted to ban the use of bullhooks. The ban will take effect in 2018.

Islip, New York, Denies Cole Bros. Circus’ Permit Application

May 6, 2015 The Islip, New York, Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs opted to ban Cole Bros. from performing as part of a fire department fundraiser after hearing from members of PETA and Long Island Orchestrating for Nature about the circus’s long history of animal abuse. Cole Bros. doesn’t even have a license … Read more »

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