Suffolk County, New York, Bans Traveling Acts With Wild Animals

After PETA sent out e-mail alerts urging residents to support an important bill to help animals, the Suffolk County, New York, legislature passed a law banning traveling shows with wild or exotic animals from the county.

Shopping Mall Giant Stops Using Glue Traps

After talks with PETA, Simon Property Group—the largest owner of shopping malls in the U.S.—decided to stop using glue traps! This compassionate move will prevent countless animals from enduring immeasurable, prolonged suffering. Animals caught on the sticky boards may tear their flesh and break their bones while struggling to free themselves or even try to … Read more »

Ford Motor Company Slams the Brakes on Animal Testing

After relentless pressure from PETA, actor Lily Tomlin, and more than 125,000 dedicated supporters, we received confirmation that Ford Motor Company would definitively slam the brakes on its animal testing. Despite its assurance in 2009 that it didn’t conduct or fund such tests, we uncovered its financial involvement in a gruesome experiment in which 27 … Read more »

Purple Carrot Drops Thai Coconut Milk

After hearing from PETA that endangered macaques are chained, whipped, and forced into a lifetime of labor picking coconuts in Thailand, national plant-based meal kit delivery company Purple Carrot decided to end its contract with its Thai coconut milk supplier and switch to using coconut milk from the Philippines and Sri Lanka. In thanks, PETA … Read more »

Animals of Montana Operator’s Exhibitor’s License Permanently Revoked

Troy Hyde, operator of the roadside zoo Animals of Montana and longtime exploiter of animals for movies and photoshoots, had his state exhibitor’s license permanently revoked after inspectors found 22 separate violations of Montana’s captive-animal welfare regulations. PETA had updated the U.S. Department of Agriculture, calling for the agency to begin proceedings to terminate Hyde’s … Read more »

NIH Cancels Funding Eligibility for Colombian Animal Tormentor Duo

PETA has received news that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has finally acted and officially shut off the spigot of money flowing to the Colombian organizations at the center of an 18-month PETA investigation. On June 29, according to NIH correspondence PETA has received, the agency rescinded the eligibility of the Caucaseco Scientific Research Center … Read more »

Mirage Moves Tigers to Reputable Sanctuaries Following Push From PETA

Following months of behind-the-scenes talks with PETA, The Mirage in Las Vegas announced that the big cats formerly owned by Siegfried & Roy were moved from the hotel’s Secret Garden to two sanctuaries verified by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries.

OHSU Ordered to Pay PETA $400K+ After Hiding Videos of Experiments on Voles

In a resounding victory for transparency and accountability, a court ordered Oregon Health & Science University to pay PETA more than $400,000, after the university went to extreme and illegal lengths to keep hidden videos of cruel experiments on voles, during which the animals were given the equivalent of 15 bottles of wine a day … Read more »

Animal Companions
Ad Council and Multiple Agencies Ban Images of Breathing-Impaired Dog Breeds

After discussions with PETA, multiple ad agencies and similar organizations—including Wunderman Thompson, Ogilvy, Leo Burnett Chicago, the Ad Council, RPA, and Sanders\Wingo—committed to not featuring images of breathing-impaired breeds (BIBs) in any newly produced advertising or marketing materials going forward, in order to avoid fueling demand for them. These types of dogs—such as English and … Read more »

‘Doc’ Antle Convicted of Wildlife Trafficking

Tiger King villain and Myrtle Beach Safari operator Bhagavan “Doc” Antle was convicted of wildlife trafficking and conspiracy to commit wildlife trafficking by a jury in the Frederick County Circuit Court in Virginia. PETA will use the conviction to push for the termination of the federal licenses that keep his tawdry park in business.

PETA Science Consortium International Sends Award Winners to Training Courses in Europe

Four scientists received awards from PETA Science Consortium International e.V. to travel to training courses and workshops in Italy and Germany. The scientists attended lectures and received hands-on training in the latest non-animal test methods, showing them how to avoid the use of rats, rabbits, and other animals in their research.

Big-Box Giant Kicks Great Ape Greeting Cards to the Curb

Walmart banned greeting cards that contain unnatural, demeaning images of endangered chimpanzees at its nearly 6,000 stores in the U.S. and Canada following communication from PETA explaining that these types of cards can hinder conservation efforts. The company joined Rite Aid, CVS, Walgreens, and others in banning them. Now, please help us urge Hallmark to stop printing these offensive cards!

PETA Science Consortium International Presents at meeting organized by French Think Tank

PETA Science Consortium International e.V. presented the keynote lecture at the ADE Biotech conference in Paris, France. With approximately 150 attendees, the conference provided a forum for collaborative discussions with leaders in the toxicology field.

More Travel Companies Ban Camel Rides in Giza

Travel companies Abercrombie & Kent USA and Grand Circle Corporation stopped offering camel rides at the pyramids of Giza after hearing from PETA that camels used for tourist rides there are routinely struck with sticks, whips, and other weapons, leaving gaping, fly-infested wounds and other severe, untreated injuries. These companies are now part of a … Read more »

Travel Companies Take Action for Suffering Camels in Giza

Travel companies operating across the nation—including Scott Dunn, TCS World Travel, Travel Leaders Group, and Wilderness Travel—quickly agreed not to promote abusive animal rides at the pyramids of Giza after learning from PETA that horses and camels are forced to haul or carry visitors in the blistering heat without access to food, water, or shade. … Read more »

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