Army Ends Brain Damage Test on Ferrets at Wayne State After PETA Outcry

After hearing from PETA, a U.S. Army–funded brain damage experiment on ferrets ended more than six months ahead of schedule at Michigan’s Wayne State University. Ferrets will no longer be purposely bombarded with radio waves, killed, and dissected in this gruesome experiment, which ridiculously purported to model Havana syndrome in humans. PETA is urging the … Read more »

Polyram Plastic Industries Commits to Supporting Only Animal-Free Entertainment

Following talks with PETA, Polyram Plastic Industries—which had previously sponsored the Hadi Shrine Circus in Evansville, Indiana—made the compassionate decision to support only animal-free entertainment going forward! The company decided to separate itself from the cruel circus after learning that it’s among the last remaining shows still exploiting wild animals, who are confined to small … Read more »

Another Company Bans Fur

Pajar Canada became the latest company to ban fur! Its compassionate decision to use only faux fur follows pressure from PETA and our supporters, which included sending the company’s targets 144,000 e-mails. This means the outdoor brand is no longer funding the cruel fur trade, which forces animals to live in cramped cages where they … Read more »

PETA’s Donation of TraumaMan Simulators to Support National Program in Albania Spares Sheep

As many as 18 sheep each year in Albania will no longer be cut apart and killed in medical training courses, thanks to PETA’s donation of two state-of-the-art TraumaMan surgical simulators to that country’s Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) national program. This brings the total number of countries that have ended the crude use of … Read more »

Animal Companions
Rite Aid Stands Up for Dogs Again

Rite Aid—the third-largest U.S. drugstore chain—cares about animals. Following its kind decision to create and install signs at its more than 2,100 stores nationwide alerting customers to the dangers of leaving animals and children in parked cars, it agreed to no longer sell greeting cards that contain images of brachycephalic dog breeds! The pharmacy made … Read more »

Animal Companions
Top Independent Ad Agency Commits to Not Using Breathing-Impaired Dog Breeds

After discussions with PETA, Wieden+Kennedy—one of the largest independent ad agencies in the world—committed to leaving images of breathing-impaired dog breeds (BIB) out of its ads! BIBs include bulldogs, pugs, Boston terriers, and other dogs bred to have life-threatening deformities that cause labored breathing, snorting, coughing, gagging, vomiting, and collapsing. A growing list of compassionate … Read more »

Designer Nixes Animals From Runway Shows

Fashion designer Jun Takahashi sent terrarium dresses—complete with live butterflies—down the runway at Paris Fashion Week. PETA quickly reached out to the Undercover designer and informed him that suppliers often ship butterflies long distances, during which they may die from exposure or be crushed before they reach their destination. Those butterflies who are turned loose … Read more »

American Pistachio Growers Drops Sponsorship of Iditarod Musher Dallas Seavey

After hearing from PETA and more than 60,000 of our members and supporters about notorious Iditarod musher Dallas Seavey’s long record of cruel treatment of animals, American Pistachio Growers made the compassionate decision to end its sponsorship of the musher. Animal abuse is inherent in the Iditarod, and dogs Dallas Seavey has forced to race … Read more »

PETA Science Consortium International Donates Equipment to Support Animal-Free Testing

PETA Science Consortium International e.V. donated equipment, worth $120,000 in total, to two organizations that develop or conduct exclusively non-animal tests. One piece of equipment is used to assess the potential of chemicals to cause skin allergies or changes to DNA, while the other is used to assess the likelihood that inhaled chemicals will cause … Read more »

Feds Revoke Thomas Edmonds’ License, Fine Him $25,100 After Slew of Violations

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) revoked the license of Thomas Edmonds, operator of the notorious roadside zoo Walnut Prairie Wildside in Illinois, permanently banning him from exhibiting animals regulated by the federal Animal Welfare Act (AWA)—and levied a fine of $25,100 against him. Edmonds had racked up more than 65 alleged violations of the … Read more »

‘Doc’ Antle Sentenced to $10K Fine, 5-Year Ban

Tiger King villain and Myrtle Beach Safari operator Bhagavan “Doc” Antle was given a $10,000 fine, a two-year suspended sentence, five years of probation, and a five-year ban on working with, trading, possessing, or engaging in other activities with non-native exotic wildlife in Virginia after being convicted of two counts of wildlife trafficking and two … Read more »

Feds Cite Linvilla Orchards Following Tip From PETA

Following an alert from PETA, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) cited roadside zoo Linvilla Orchards in Pennsylvania for over 15 violations of the federal Animal Welfare Act (AWA), including for filthy conditions and improper care of nearly 350 birds, and issued it an official warning. These actions came after the USDA finally added new … Read more »

Budweiser Agrees to Stop Cutting Off Clydesdales’ Tailbones

After thousands of PETA supporters took action, Anheuser-Busch InBev announced that it would stop amputating the tailbones of the Budweiser Clydesdales!

Second Court Orders LSU to Hand Over Bird-Experiment Records to PETA

A Louisiana appeals court ruled that Louisiana State University (LSU) must turn over records of taxpayer-funded experiments on wild-caught sparrows conducted by assistant professor Christine Lattin. The ruling required the university to turn over all veterinary-care records for birds who have been captured, held at LSU, tormented, and killed in Lattin’s experiments; certain videos of … Read more »

UniverSoul Circus Ditches Cruel Animal Acts

After decades of exploiting elephants, tigers, zebras, camels, and other animals in cruel acts, UniverSoul Circus went animal-free! This victory followed a major PETA campaign that included e-mails from over 100,000 of our supporters, dozens of protests at the circus’ shows across the country, and help from celebrities like Chilli of the musical group TLC. … Read more »

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