善待动物组织(PETA)对於2014年10月发生的一起事件深表沉痛。以下为事件发生详情: 当地居民向PETA请求协助,帮忙解决长期的弃犬及野狗造成的问题,包括野狗攻击孩童、野生动物及猫只;在大货车下大量繁殖出健康状况不佳的小狗;以及在行动屋停车场附近成群的出没。民众会连系我们,是因为PETA在弗吉尼亚州有24小时救援专线,提供低收入户、年长者、军人等居民家中的112,000多只动物以下服务:免费或低费用的节育手术;免费狗屋、稻草床的运送;紧急兽医服务;及其它动物相关谘询,还有与其他机构共同合作。



Instructions for Downloading This Radio PSA Audio File

If you're using a PC:
Click on the "Download" button and select "Save As." Next, navigate to the directory where you want the file to be saved, then click "Save." Once the download is complete, locate the zip file (the zip icon resembles a file with a zipper across it). Double-click on the MP3 file to play it.

If you're using a Mac:
Click on the "Download" button and select "Save File." Next, locate the file in your "Downloads" folder and double-click on the file to unzip it. Click on the unzipped file to play it.

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