Vandalized Historical Markers Prompt PETA Offer

New Marker Would Encourage Respect for All Beings

For Immediate Release:
March 7, 2017

Brooke Rossi 202-483-7382

Following reports that three historical markers in Llano County were vandalized, PETA sent a letter today to the Texas Historical Commission offering $2,000 toward the estimated $10,000 cost of restoring them—in exchange for permission to place a new marker nearby that may deter future damage by putting the original in historical context. PETA’s marker would read, “We must learn from history to be compassionate toward all races, genders, religions, and species. Please show respect for all by choosing nonviolence.”

“All countries and peoples can point to moments when those who are perceived as different were misunderstood, persecuted, and abused—but remembering that can show us a way forward,” says PETA President Ingrid Newkirk. “PETA’s marker would remind people to learn from our past and extend peace, understanding, and compassion to all living beings.”

PETA—whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to eat”—points out that animals used for food experience joy, pain, fear, love, and grief and value their lives, just as humans do.

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PETA’s letter to Mark Wolfe, executive director of the Texas Historical Commission, follows.

March 7, 2017

Mark Wolfe

Executive Director

Texas Historical Commission

Dear Mr. Wolfe,

On behalf of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and our more than 5 million members and supporters worldwide, including thousands across Texas, we are so sorry to hear about the recent vandalism of historical markers. We’re writing to discuss your appeal for donations to restore the Packsaddle Mountain marker. As vegans, we promote understanding and respect for all living beings, regardless of religion, race, gender, culture, or species.

May we suggest a gesture that could help promote a message of peace to the Llano community—and perhaps even reach those responsible for this act? We’d like to donate $2,000 toward the cost of restoring the original and place a small memorial nearby that would promote compassion for all, too. The little marker would bear the following message: “We must learn from history to show compassion for all races, genders, religions—and species. Please show respect for all by choosing nonviolence. PETA “

Human beings—and especially members of minorities—often feel powerless in the face of discrimination and violence in the world. Yet every time that we sit down to eat, we can do something to promote nonviolence and understanding: We can remember those who feel pain, joy, and fear as we do but are often dismissed because they don’t look exactly like us. Opting for a veggie burger or falafel instead of a chicken kebab or steak sandwich won’t create instant global peace, but it will reduce the sum total of suffering in the world and can make people consider what more is possible.

Placing PETA’s sign at Paddlesack Mountain would be a simple way to promote peace, understanding, empathy, and compassion. It would also serve as a reminder that we need to learn from the past, and it would repudiate the vandalism committed by someone who apparently didn’t realize that the sign can be used for good, to teach a basic and important lesson in life. Thank you for your consideration.

Very truly yours,

Ingrid E. Newkirk


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