PETA’s Sexy ‘Pilgrims’ to Give Away Faux-Turkey Roasts to Promote a Vegan Holiday

Group Wants to Give Turkeys Something to Be Thankful for This Thanksgiving

For Immediate Release:
November 26, 2013

Sophia Charchuk 202-483-7382


Two sexy “pilgrims” wearing high heels and anything-but-puritanical garb will hand out free savory vegan holiday roasts in downtown Chicago on Wednesday as part of PETA’s tour to promote a vegan Thanksgiving. The lovely duo hopes to reach people’s hearts through their stomachs and is urging consumers to stay true to the holiday spirit this Thanksgiving by giving turkeys something to be thankful for.

When:   Wednesday, November 27, 11:30 a.m.

Where:  Northeast corner of N. Michigan Avenue and E. Huron Street, Chicago

Why have PETA’s pilgrims traded in their muskets for a meat-free feast? Approximately 300 million turkeys are killed in the U.S. every year—45 million for Thanksgiving dinners alone. In nature, turkeys are protective and loving parents as well as spirited explorers who can climb trees and run as fast as 18 miles per hour. But most turkeys raised to be killed for food are crammed into filthy warehouses, where disease, smothering, and heart attacks are common. Turkeys are drugged and bred to grow such unnaturally large upper bodies that their legs often become crippled under the weight.

“Thanksgiving is murder on turkeys,” says PETA Campaign Manager Katie Arth. “With fabulous faux fowl, you can celebrate without causing suffering—and give a bird something to be thankful for.”

For more information about PETA, please visit

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