‘Horses’ to Blast Budweiser’s Clydesdale Mutilations at Race-Week Appearance

For Immediate Release:
May 23, 2023

David Perle 202-483-7382


On Wednesday, ahead of a scheduled race-week appearance of the Budweiser Clydesdales at Payless Liquors, a herd of PETA supporters wearing giant realistic horse masks will converge outside the store bearing signs that proclaim, “Budweiser Has Blood on Its Cans!”—urging the King of Tears to end its painful and unnecessary amputations of Clydesdales’ tailbones.

When:    Wednesday, May 24, 3:30 p.m.

Where:    Outside Payless Liquors, 4711 W. 30th St., at the intersection of W. 30th Street and Georgetown Road, Indianapolis

As PETA revealed in a recent video exposé, Budweiser has been secretly severing Clydesdales’ tailbones or painfully cutting off the blood supply to the tailbone with a tight band, eventually causing it to die and fall off—just so the horses will look a certain way when hitched to a beer wagon. Cosmetic tailbone amputation is condemned by the American Veterinary Medical Association and the American Association of Equine Practitioners and is illegal in 10 states and several countries, including Belgium, where Budweiser’s parent company, InBev, is based.

“Horses need their tails for balance and to protect themselves against biting and disease-spreading insects,” says PETA Senior Vice President Kathy Guillermo. “Until the company stops disfiguring Clydesdales, PETA is calling on everyone to wave the red flag on drinking Budweiser.”

PETA—whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to eat”—opposes speciesism, a human-supremacist worldview. For more information, please visit PETA.org, listen to The PETA Podcast, or follow the group on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.

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