Appeal to Ivanka Trump Over Bunny Fur Pompoms Prompted by New Video of Chinese Rabbit Slaughter

Designer Is Asked to Stop Wearing and Working With Fur Immediately, After Investigation Reveals Rabbits Skinned Alive

For Immediate Release:
February 17, 2016

Moira Colley 202-483-7382

PETA is calling on fashion designer Ivanka Trump to stop wearing and working with real fur following a daring new PETA Asia exposé deep inside the rabbit-fur industry in China, the world’s largest fur exporter. Trump sells hats with pompoms made of fur from rabbits killed in China, and on Tuesday, she received a letter from PETA—whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to wear”—revealing how slaughterhouse workers leave rabbits to struggle and thrash wildly after hitting them on the head with the back of a knife, hanging them upside-down, and slitting their throats. Almost all the rabbits are still kicking and twitching as their throats are slit, and some are skinned alive.

“We were so disappointed (and surprised) to see that you are selling hats with pompoms on them made of real rabbit fur from China. We were especially shocked given that most of the fur you use in your collections is faux,” writes PETA President Ingrid Newkirk. “Please, do the right thing without delay, and join the long list of beautiful brands—including Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, Inditex, Ann Inc., Ralph Lauren, H&M, and dozens more—that have all rejected fur.”

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PETA’s letter to Ivanka Trump follows.

February 16, 2016

Ivanka Trump
Ivanka Trump

Dear Ms. Trump,

Greetings from PETA. We were so disappointed (and surprised) to see that you are selling hats with pompoms on them made of real rabbit fur from China. We were especially shocked given that most of the fur you use in your collections is faux. On behalf of kind people everywhere, and because animals suffer so terribly in the production of fur, we urge you to pull all real fur immediately and pledge never to wear or work with it again.

I think you will be absolutely sickened to know that a recent PETA Asia investigation into massive rabbit farms and a slaughterhouse in China—where the fur you use originates—shows rabbits struggling and thrashing wildly after they’ve been smacked on the head with the back of a knife and hung upside down and their throats have been slit. Some are still kicking and twitching as the skin is torn off their bodies. Every single fur farm that PETA Asia has visited in China has been beyond cruel: Investigators have witnessed and documented foxes being electrocuted, dogs bludgeoned to death, and raccoon dogs skinned alive. This PETA video hosted by Olivia Munn about the Chinese fur industry shows a skinned raccoon dog mustering just enough strength to lift his bloodied face and stare into the camera. There are no penalties for abusing animals on fur farms in China.

Please, do the right thing without delay, and join the long list of beautiful brands—including Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, Inditex, Ann Inc., Ralph Lauren, H&M, and dozens more—that have all rejected fur. The majority of people are kind, and kind people everywhere would praise your move.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Very truly yours,

Ingrid E. Newkirk

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