Animal Advocates to Bid Farewell to Fur With Blowout Canada Goose Protest

PETA Members and Local Supporters Will March for Trapped Coyotes, Plucked Geese in Final Protest of Fur Season

For Immediate Release:
April 14, 2017

Brooke Rossi 202-483-7382

New York

What:    With temperatures this weekend expected to hit 80 degrees in New York City, PETA members will join a coalition of local animal rights supporters in a spirited “farewell to fur season” demonstration outside Canada Goose’s SoHo store on Saturday. Holding graphic posters with pictures of slaughtered coyotes next to the words “Here’s the Rest of Your Canada Goose Coat,” the group of 50 demonstrators will urge compassionate people to keep up the pressure on the company throughout the off-season.

When:    Saturday, April 15, 1:30 p.m. sharp

Where:    Canada Goose, 101 Wooster St., New York City

“Every fur-trimmed Canada Goose coat represents the terrifying and painful death of a coyote who was trapped, strangled, shot, stomped on, or bludgeoned,” says PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman. “PETA is calling on consumers to reject Canada Goose’s cruelly produced coats made with coyote fur and down and to invest in kindness by buying vegan clothing instead.”

PETA—whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to wear”—points out that trapped coyote mothers desperate to get back to their starving pups have been known to attempt to chew off their own limbs to escape. Many trapped animals succumb to the elements, blood loss, infection, or predators before trappers arrive to kill them. In addition, birds abused for down spend their entire lives in crowded, filthy sheds until their throats are slit.

A PETA video that juxtaposes Canada Goose’s coyote-fur jackets with disturbing footage of a trapped coyote has received more than 36 million views, been shared over 200,000 times, and generated more than 60,000 outraged comments on Facebook.

Broadcast-quality video footage is available upon request. For more information, please visit

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