1 Hotels Commits to Cruelty-Free Down-Free Bedding

After Hearing From PETA, Eco-Friendly Luxury Hotel Chain Changes Bedding Policy

For Immediate Release:
June 12, 2017

Sophia Charchuk 202-483-7382

Greenwich, Conn.

After learning from PETA that some birds used for down are plucked alive, eco-conscious high-end boutique brand 1 Hotels agreed to start purchasing only down-free bedding for its hotels in New York near the Brooklyn Bridge and in Central Park as well as for its establishment in Florida’s South Beach—and all of its new, soon-to-open hotels will feature down-free bedding exclusively. The compassionate decision aligns with the brand’s vision to be a “platform for change” and to “lead hospitality forward.”

“PETA hears all the time from people who reject cruelty to animals and want to support companies that share their values,” says PETA Director Anne Brainard. “1 Hotels’ decision to use high-quality, feather-free bedding sets an example for the hospitality industry, showing that it’s possible to be cruelty-free without sacrificing luxury.”

PETA—whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to wear”—notes that many birds killed for down are improperly stunned and still conscious when their throats are cut or they’re dumped into scalding-hot defeathering tanks. While animal agriculture is a leading cause of greenhouse-gas emissions and goose farms produce massive amounts of polluting manure and slaughter waste, today’s vegan alternatives come in environmentally friendly options and are often made with recycled materials.

For more information, please visit PETA.org.

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