Wendi McLendon-Covey and Her Cat: Perfect Communication

The Goldbergs star Wendi McLendon-Covey is one of the funniest ladies around, and now she’s lending her sense of humor to something that’s very important to her: the proper care of beloved cat companions. It all starts with providing them with indoor shelter, healthy food, and a clean litterbox—but that’s only the beginning. Watch and see the crystal clear communication between Wendi and her rescued cat, Crash.

To hear more of what Wendi has to say about the importance of spaying and neutering companion animals and adopting them from shelters, check out her exclusive interview for PETA:

As Wendi mentions, you should always adopt from shelters and never buy from pet stores or breeders. Head over to your local animal shelter, where you’ll be sure to find cats of all ages who are eager to become a member of your family.

Every time an animal is purchased from a pet store or a breeder, an animal in a shelter loses a chance at finding a loving home.

Looking for more ways to help? Check out the following suggestions:

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